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VERSE-24 கூர்வேல்விழி மங்கையர் கொங்கையிலே சேர்வேன் அருள் சேரவும் எண்ணுமதோ சூர்வேரொடு குன்று தொளைத்த நெடும் போர்வேல புரந்தர பூபதியே.Koor vel vizhi magaiyar kongaiyile, Serven arul seravum ennumatho Soor verodu kunru tholaittha nedum, Por vela puranthara bhoopathiye. The breasts of women with Vel-like looks piercing Commentary The seeker was unable to think of the Lord's Feet due to the play of Avidya (verse 23). But, why and how does Avidya trouble him? When meditation on the Atman is continued in all seriousness, the process of internal cleansing takes place. It is like sweeping and cleaning a room that has been kept locked for months and years. Lot of dust would lie settled on the ground. When the cleaning process is begun, the dust will rise up and cloud one's vision. It would sometimes be difficult to see where one stands. Some such thing takes place in the Sadhaka's mind now. The Kaama-Vaasanas and Samskaras - the latent impressions of earlier experiences of this and previous births, of sex in particular - lying piled up in the unconscious are stirred up and given a rude shake by deep meditation (verse-22) and they come up to the conscious level. They naturally cloud his understanding, prick his conscience, and disturb his mind. The gushing out of the Kaama-Vaasanas and the impact of their prick on the conscience are, at times, so strong that not only the Sadhaka is unable to think of the Lord's Feet (verse-23) but also a sense of doubt creeps into his mind as to whether he is at all fit to tread the spiritual path. This is the condition in which he finds himself now. This makes him cry out to the Lord regretting over his past wrongs and pray for expiation (forgiveness) and for the descent of His grace. Herein is the Sadhaka's secret but honest confession to the Lord, which is at once an atonement, which will also draw divine grace. Apart from the inability to feel the omnipresence of the Lord or even fix the mind on His Feet (verse-23), the seeker's mind is now disturbed by the memory of his past experiences of enjoyment with women. The seeker is still with his family, with duties and responsibilities. The sex instinct and memories of past enjoyments and taste for them linger till the last. They are hard to overcome with one's own effort. Divine Grace is needed to tackle them. In order that he may not succumb to those memories and abandon his practice, he resorts to the Lord for protection and grace. Indra was tortured by the Asura Surapadman. He fought with the Asura, but could not defeat him. Surapadman invaded and virtually burnt Indra's Kingdom (Devaloka or heaven) and made Indra a captive. So is the fire of lust for women that tortures men, burns their hearts and enslaves them. Having failed in his attempts to defeat the Asura, Indra finally resorted to Lord Siva, surrendered himself totally to Him and invoked His grace. Siva appeared as Skanda, whose mighty Vel destroyed Surapadman and saved Indra. Even so when one, rendered helpless by repeated failures in one's effort to overcome lust, resorts to the Lord and surrenders oneself to Him, His Vel (as His Grace) comes to one's help and frees one from lust. Hence, the prayer: "O Lord, You threw thy Vel on Surapadman and destroyed him and thus, saved Indra. Wilt thou not think of showering thy grace on me, destroy the lustful nature in me and save me?" The looks of women are compared to the sharp, piercing Vel. Their bewitching looks can snatch away the determination from the hearts of men of even strong will and helplessly toss them about and make them yield to their evil ways. (This applies equally the other way round also.) And the verse suggests that the Vel of Lord Murugan is the only means of help to overcome the effects of the Vel-like piercing looks of women. One "joining" breaks another. One "Vel" frees from another. What a comparison and what a composition of words! "Thy Vel pierced Surapadman and the Krauncha mountain (Asura). Will thy grace-Vel not save me from the Vel-like piercing looks of women and their hugs?" The rhythmic beauty and depth of meaning of the original Tamil verse can hardly be brought out in the translation. |
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